“We are thrilled to highlight Keystone Freedom Academy’s success! ⭐ They are a true example of an organization that is championing our philosophy of #ComfortvsControl!” 🏆
Find the full case study here, from our partners at Ukeru Systems ➡ https://bit.ly/3KEyd3T #StartsWithU #ComfortvsControl #traumainformed”
Client Testimonials
“It’s an amazing school.”
“I feel like I’m academically at my best here.”
“[They] helped me control my emotions and get my work done proficiently.”
“They showed that they understood his needs.”
“He’s really thrived in this environment.”
“I’ve seen definite growth with my son over the last year.”
Thanks for everything that you and your team did over the past couple of years! You truly went above and beyond. Your efforts are greatly appreciated!
Even though Keystone Freedom Academy is a small school, you couldn’t even tell based on how much the staff supports one another! A great place to work or to be a part of as a student.
Keystone Freedom Academy is one of the first programs for students with behavior or emotional concerns to receive not only support for their areas of concern, but also keeps them up to date academically. As an emotional support teacher, I have never seen a program that addresses the whole child in terms of emotional and academic growth at the same time. The way they set up supports and rewards, students have no choice but to complete work. The staff is trained and calm and they teach students to use strategies and not to engage when angry. Lastly, KFA has a no physical restraint policy where students can feel safe and can practice making decisions to earn desired results.
Great value and awesome staff!!
I am a current student at KFA in the 11th grade. I was one of the first students to start here at KFA. In my time here, I have made significant gains academically and socially. Staff have assisted me with gaining employment as well as my diving permit. Overall, KFA has assisted me with growing into the young man I am today. I look forward to what I will accomplish because of KFA in the future!
I am a current student at KFA in the high school. KFA has great teachers who are flexible, caring, and respectful. The programming is fantastic and works for students who require the extra support needed to stay on-task. Plus the food is amazing!
I am at student here at Keystone Freedom Academy. I was the second student in the school I feel like this school helped me with my behavior and I like how we get a 10 min break after every class. I like how we can play basketball with the other class for lunch. I like that all the teachers here will help you with your work and out side of school stuff.
I am a current student in the 7th grade here at KFA. Since I started here at KFA, the staff have helped me significantly. I am currently working towards transitioning back to my charter school which is very positive. The staff and students here are like family and I will miss them. Overall, I recommend KFA to all of my friends!
My experience at Keystone Freedom Academy has been great. The environment is welcoming and nice. Overall, I enjoy coming to school each day.
This is fun school! I like being here and I like to be in my class. I hope more people come here.
I am a current student in the 10th grade at KFA. This is my second school year. Since starting here at KFA I have made a ton of progress in ability to regulate and express my emotions and have also made academic gains. I would recommend KFA to my friends.
I am a student at Keystone Freedom Academy and personally this school has helped me a lot with my personal issues, my educational issues and my attitude towards school. They have helped me to get straight A’s for the first time since elementary school. Keystone Freedom Academy has great staff that makes the day go by easier, the staff also check up on you and make sure they are doing everything they can to make sure we are okay and giving school our hardest try. They also understand that not everyone has the best days so when you are having an off day they try and help you out and make the day more comfortable for you.
I am currently enrolled at Keystone Freedom Academy. I love the staff, students, programming. The staff assist me with remaining on-task and help me through difficult situations. Since I have started, I have made significant progress both academically and behaviorally. I would recommend KFA to any student who needs extra help and wants to be in a caring environment.
I like being a student here because they treat me great and I actually get my work done here and they have helped me throw the struggles and frustration. I had been thrown out my school before. Here is a lot of fun because there are a lot of students here to make new friends that I can be great with here. I love it here. Really, I hope that maybe I can stay to be here longer because the teachers are great here and the kids and people are nice. I honestly really like it here.
Keystone is a good school. I like the school a lot and working on getting back in my normal school. Going to miss the the school.