Our School
Our Mission is for students who face social, emotional and behavioral challenges to find freedom within their education and to create opportunities for lifelong success. Through social-emotional learning embedded within rigorous academics including: the implementation of mindfulness, restorative practices, positive behavior interventions and supports, Trauma Informed Care, and the hands-off practice of Ukeru BehaviorManagement System; we offer students the freedom to access their education and the opportunity to grow into productive members of society.
The Keystone Freedom Academy Difference
Keystone Freedom Academy, affectionately referred to as KFA, is a private academic academy that uses trauma-informed care and other research-based strategies to support Social, Emotional, and Behaviorally complex students in grades 5- 12+. In addition, we offer advanced academics to prepare students for return to their home school or for post-secondary education.
We want to provide students a safe environment free from restraints, free from bullying, free to make mistakes, and free to learn at their individual pace and preference. Working with social, emotional, and behaviorally complex students is our calling and our passion. We designed a program that identifies student triggers and teaches students strategies for self-regulation.
- Scholarship pricing available for all budgets
- Private Special Education Day School
- Rigorous Academic Curriculum that align to local school district’s curriculum
- We work as a team with sending schools and districts to ensure the success of the student
- Researched Based Intervention Programs that help students overcome obstacles that hold them back from achieving their optimum success
- Focus on student’s strength and gifts to empower them to build on those qualities that make them special
- 1:1 Technology
- Stand alone Social/Emotional Curriculum
- Credit Recovery
- Future Focused: helping students find post-secondary paths
- Individual and Group Counseling
- Full Accreditation by Middle States Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools
- Prepare Students to return to the public school system within 2-3 years
Freedom is at the core of what we believe at Keystone Freedom Academy. While many believe that the best approach to dealing with challenging behaviors is to restrict students, we believe that allowing students to have the freedom of choice, the ability to speak their minds, and freedom from restraints is the best way to allow students to grow. Rather than minimizing academics, KFA believes in combining academics and behavioral support throughout the curriculum. Social skills and behavior management are integrated into academic lessons and are a part of everything that we do at KFA. Social and emotional learning is not something restricted to a specific block of time, rather, it exists within all lessons and aspects of the school day. We believe in giving students the freedom to own their individual strengths and challenges in order to learn to best self-advocate for their needs. A student who can successfully advocate for themselves within the school setting is one that can successfully advocate for themselves in the real world.
Students at KFA are introduced to a culture of excellence, where the future is the focus. Students will be challenged to be creative, identify their passion, work towards their goals, and access their individual strengths. At KFA students will have the opportunity to earn industry standard certifications in technology, partner with local businesses and organizations to gain relevant job training and experience, investigate a variety of career and educational paths, and much more. We partner with McMillan McGraw-Hill to implement a full academic curriculum which provides both virtual and print resources. Technology is ever changing and will always be embedded within each student’s education at some level. Keystone Freedom Academy provides the opportunity for students to work both virtually and with print materials to build upon their foundational skills and become lifelong learners.
Middle States Accreditation
Keystone Freedom Academy has earned accreditation by the Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools, a worldwide leader in accreditation and continuous school improvement.
Accreditation is a multifaceted evaluation process that schools and school systems voluntarily use to demonstrate they are meeting a defined set of research-based performance standards. The 12 Middle States Standards for Accreditation are: mission; governance and leadership; school improvement planning; finances; facilities; school organization and staff; health and safety; educational program; assessment and evidence of student learning; student services; student life and activities, and information resources.
The accreditation process begins with a self-study that is conducted by the school or school system and requires input from school leaders, teachers, parents and students. Following the self-study, a team of volunteer educators from Middle States member schools conducts an on-site peer review visit to observe school operations and interview various stakeholders. The visiting team makes its recommendation to the Middle States Association Commissions, which votes on the accreditation. “The Middle States accreditation process supports schools in developing a strategic plan for the future that is built upon continuous school improvement,” said Lisa Marie McCauley, Ed.D., president of the Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools. “Middle States accredited schools should be commended for their commitment to collaboration, growth and advancing student achievement.”
Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA-CESS) is based in Philadelphia, the Middle States Association is the worldwide leader in accreditation and school improvement. For over 130 years, Middle States has been helping school leaders establish and reach their goals, develop strategic plans, promote staff development and advance student achievement. With more than 2,500 accredited schools and school systems in 39 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands and in over 110 countries, MSA-CESS is proud of its continuing legacy and its ongoing innovations to meet the challenges of improving education in the 21st century. For more information visit www.msa-cess.org.
Student Outcomes
Competent Thinkers who are able to use critical and creative thinking, solve problems, make decisions, and analyze data.
Effective Communicators who can possess the ability to express themselves through a variety of mediums, including written or oral communication, art, and music; and who accurately interpret the various methods of communication of others, asking necessary questions and demonstrating listening skills.
Knowledgeable Individuals who demonstrate academic proficiency in the core areas of mathematics, science, social studies, English, foreign languages, health awareness, and the visual and performing arts; and, who can utilize the skills of reading writing, research, listening, speaking, and the tools of technology in the acquisition of knowledge.
Physically and Emotionally Self-Aware Individuals who can understand the importance of achieving and maintaining a healthy level of fitness and who can balance emotional and intellectual decisions and successful application of academic, intellectual, artistic, practical, and technological skills.
Resource Managers who have the ability to organize, allocate, manage, and use information and resources available for effective and efficient decision-making.
Responsible Citizens who are well informed and able to apply their knowledge to improve the quality of their lives; who strive toward development of personal wellness, safety, and welfare; and who contribute and participate as responsible members of the community.
Technology Proficient Individuals who can function in a technological society, use the resources of the Internet, adapt to rapid changes in technology, and apply technology appropriately.