Never have to look for another school when you join the Best Special Education School PA at Keystone Freedom Academy in Philadelphia pennsylvania. our goal is to provide your child with a unique, personalized learning experience that can accommodate all of their own styles of learning, wow still providing them with a strong core academic education and building up skills that will be of great benefit to them as they move forward into their adulthood. our teachers and staff strive everyday to construct a curriculum that will do all of these things for our students here at Keystone freedom academy.
most special education institutions will offer you a core academic course load, but they cannot offer you the same as what the Best Special Education School PA can. here we offer classes that you would find at any other schools such as English language arts, science, math, and social studies. the difference is we utilize unique programs to help enhance the learning experience for each and every student. in our history and science departments, they will utilize mcgraw-hills amazing online and in person resources to Aid them in completing projects and studying. the English language arts department will use a unique program called studysync where students can gain access to easy to use reading and writing resources. this will be available to grade 6 through 12. the mathematics Department use a program called reveal math to help students learn and grow in the realm of mathematics.
most special education institutions will probably have something they are about, and at the Best Special Education School PA, we are no different. besides providing students with the core academic curriculum they deserve, we also strive to Provide students with career and life skills, as well as the necessary social skills to move forward with their adult lives. teachers will use a number of different strategies to help instill these in our kids. teachers often use strategies such as shaping, prompting, and reinforcement and encouragement to post students to do their best and build up these skills. the skills we are looking to build up include improving social skills and adaptability, increasing appropriate behavioral skills, and developing necessary work skills that will Aid them in their careers as they go forward into the future.
besides being a very stem heavy educational institution, we also take pride in having a heavy emphasis on community-based learning. this puts students in situations where they have to interact and work together with others to reach a common goal, whether it be to finish a project, or present something to a group of people, they will learn a slew of social skills.
if you would like us to answer any questions you have, feel free to give us a call anytime at 844-539-3366. don’t forget to check out our website for more information at
Best Special Education School PA | The Best
Don’t settle for anything less than The Best Special Education School PA. at Keystone Freedom Academy we can probably say that we are the best. students at Keystone Will Come Away with a strong foundation in core academic classes, as well as a slew of different career, and life skills that will be of benefit to them as they embark on their journey through life and get jobs in the big world of corporate america. our teachers and staff work hard everyday to deliver a personalized learning experience to each and every student, as they all have their own unique learning needs.
when it comes to our core academic classes, we have our students take classes like mathematics, English language arts, history, and science. in these classes students Best Special Education School PA will utilize programs to enhance their learning experience and allow them to better understand the course content knowledge. in English Language Arts students will use a program called studysync which is an easy to use resource available to grade 6 through 12 that Aid students in their reading and writing experience. mathematics department will use a program called reveal math which utilizes the foundations of productive struggles, Rich tasks, growth mindset, mathematical discourse, and much much more to encourage students to keep working towards their goal of understanding mathematics. the social studies and science departments will both use mcgraw-hills amazing resources, both online, as well as in person textbooks and other Hands-On resources to help students better learn these subjects.
Looking for a unique learning experience come on over to the Best Special Education School PA at Keystone Freedom Academy because we can offer you and your student a personalized curriculum that best fits their pace of learning and individual needs. To achieve this teachers will utilize a number of different specialized techniques to help your student acquire content knowledge. these range from but are not limited to the use of reinforcement, shaping comp prompting, among other unique techniques. teachers will also use a lot of visual support to help students gain a strong foundation in the course content.
at Keystone Freedom Academy our main focus during instructional programming is to help students develop strong core academic course content knowledge, heavily improved their social skills and adaptability to different kinds of ever-changing environments, increase their appropriate behavioral skills, and develop unique career and life skills that will Aid them in their journey of finding a job in the big wide world. students will build up these skills by being put in real life setting scenarios in school. we also utilize a large amount of community-based learning to help students build up these social skills and put them in a position to interact and work as a team to lead a common goal. speaking of goals students are heavily encouraged to set their own personal goals and objectives and work towards them every day they’re at their time here at the academy. We will show you how to get all of it done.
never hesitate to give us a call with any questions at 844-539-3366, and check out our website for more awesome information